
Kick back & stay a while!

A modern guide for the creative entrepreneur ready to level-up and fast forward their future.

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Sending your clients a thoughtful gift can show them that you are grateful for their trust in you and help them feel like they are more to you than just the money they pay you. With the holiday season just around the corner, it’s the perfect time to start!

The Client Appreciation Gift Cheatsheet

November 11, 2022

Don’t let vampires suck the passion out of you, these points are going to be your garlic and holy water to protect your boundaries.

Protecting Yourself from Blood-Sucking Vampires of Freelance

October 20, 2022

How can we uncover our customers personality and inject that personality into our brand? The answer: brand archetypes and astrology!

Brand Archetypes Astrology

October 15, 2022

Add value for your clients with tiered service packages that provide an irresistible offer. Some clients are not always aware of the all the deliverables of a design.

How to package your services that clients can’t resist

May 30, 2022

Managing yourself as a freelancer can feel like an overwhelming task full of moving parts. Where do you start? What do you prioritize? How do you prioritize!? Don’t panic, let’s break things down. Putting your tasks into these 5 categories will help you stay on top of your workload.

5 Categories to Keep You Organized as a Designer

April 29, 2022

you are resilient
you are innovative
and you are a mother f*ING


Just in case no one's told you today...