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The Client Appreciation Gift Cheatsheet

Image from Belle Box n Box – Luxury Custom Gift Boxes

Client appreciation is a key part of maintaining long-term relationships that are the bread and butter of any freelance career. Sending your clients a thoughtful gift can show them that you are grateful for their trust in you and help them feel like they are more to you than just the money they pay you. With the holiday season just around the corner, it’s the perfect time to start!

All About the Money

Unfortunately, Santa’s workshop doesn’t bottle wine, formulate facemasks, or craft hardcover notebooks so you have to cover this out of pocket – initially. As much as you love and are grateful for your clients, it’s important to pick a budget that is reasonable and proportionate to what you making, for the sake of your wallet and for tax purposes. Physical gifts are fully tax-deductible, while things like meals and gift cards are only 50% deductible and only if they are reasonable in relation to your income. Tax tip: Keep all your receipts and write each client’s name on the receipt, in case the CRA comes knocking.

The Slippery Branding Slope

It can be exciting to see your logo on things but it’s easy to go overboard. Your client gift should never look like your client went booth to booth at your very own job fair! If you’re gifting for Christmas, opt for the wrapping/tissue paper, card, or gift tag to be branded. If you want your logo to be in the gift, look into branded cookies or chocolates to include as a part of it. Any more than that, the gifts risk looking impersonal.

The Personal Touch

If you haven’t been keeping track of the tidbits of information your clients drop about their lives outside of work then it’s time to start! Fact: 73% of consumers and 87% of B2B customers expect personalized experiences before and after purchase. 

Use your customer management software to keep track of things like birthdays, work anniversary’s, pets or kids, activities or hobbies, and even preferred foods. If it pops up in small talk and you think it could be a way to personalize their gifts, write it down! Your clients will appreciate the little touches that make them see that you’ve been paying attention.

Put Yourself in Their Shoes

When you’re deciding what to include in your client gifts, take a moment to think about what the reaction might be when they open it up. Does it feel like they just received a box of trinkets or was it thoughtfully prepared? Are they going to feel like they’re getting something special or are they going to assume everyone got the same thing? Let these questions can help guide you toward picking the right items.

Small Favours

The holidays aren’t the only time to make your clients feel special. Make client shout-outs a regular part of your social media schedule. These are great because they can also double as mini-case studies to show off your work.

Have postcards made with nice images and your logo to send to your clients to celebrate special occasions. Birthdays, milestones, weddings, and even your client-contractor anniversary are just a few you can use as an opportunity to reach out. Keep the backs of the postcards blank so you can write a personalized message

Find more great gift ideas on my Pinterest page

Business + Marketing, Client Experience


Nov 11, 2022


Sending your clients a thoughtful gift can show them that you are grateful for their trust in you and help them feel like they are more to you than just the money they pay you. With the holiday season just around the corner, it’s the perfect time to start!